Time's Up! It's The End Of The Line

This is a glimpse at the proces i went through in this project. Experimenting with ink, and type and layouts.
Overall i really enjoyed this project, i learnt alot about the issues surrounding our oceans and what The End Of The Line campaign is trying to achieve. I thought using ink would be difficult but i actually really like it as a medium and will definately be using it again. The most unsuccessful part of this work for me was how i put my ideas together in the best way possible. I came up with some great conceptual ideas and some really beautiful ink marks but both didnt work together. Perhaps this colaberation of ideas will come more easily over time and with more experience.

Fish thoughts in February

Tues 26th
Saw Rob Ryan’s Lecture today, his work is so amazing and intricate. I would love to try some similar paper cutting, it looks very time consuming but the overall effect is worth it. I don’t think it would work for this specific project but maybe I’ll try it out in the future.

Wed 3rd

I think having a talk about my work so far has really helped. I seem to be on the right track I just need to start pulling all my ideas together. I have lots of ink experimentation, which I have really enjoyed doing. Equally I enjoy coming up with conceptual ideas- although its been quite hard to come up with a refreshing idea when I only have fish, the ocean and fish hooks to work with.

A particular image of fish swimming in a circle up towards the sunlight on the oceans’ surface has really inspired me. It’s a very natural and beautiful image and using swirling ink lines and cut out paper fish I can see this potentially being really strong.

Thurs 4th

Talking about my work yesterday got me thinking, and using my main idea could work. If turn it upside down it has a much more negative effect, instead of swimming up towards sunlight the fish are swimming downwards, like they’re going down the plug hole.
Plug Hole- this is a great way to link in the idea of water and fish, the state of the world’s oceans is literally going ‘down the drain’.

What’s important now is to experiment with some layouts, different ink techniques, and really see how this image could work on a book cover format. I feel positive about this and think it could work well.

Wed 10th

Working with layouts and drawing thumbnails has really helped me move forward, but now I’m stuck again I cant seem to pick one! Hopefully this decision will come soon J

Fri 12th
I’ve had my last illustration session and I feel quite positive about my work, but there’s still a lot to do. I’ve got a busy week ahead, and I’ve got to hand in my work 2 days before the deadline. Fingers crossed I get it all done.

Tues 16th
All my work is done- as much as it can be. I have had printer problems, as usually, which has really cut my time down. I really hate printers and technology sometimes, but this is what happens when you leave things to the last minute. Hopefully what I’ve done is good enough, can’t wait for the relief when I hand this in.