A Great Discovery

Last week my friend told me about this website called postcrossing.com, where you can send and recieve postcards across the world. So i signed up and was given some addresses of people to send to, my first was to America (then China, Dubai, The Netherlands, Germany) and as soon as your postcard is registered as 'recieved' you will get sent a postcard from another random user.
I recieved my first postcard from Yolanda in Amsterdam a couple of days ago, very exciting ! and i cant wait to recieve more ! some people request certain types of postcard but on the whole its a chance to get creative and learn more about the world.

I highly recommend to get postcrossing now - there's no pressure, if you only send 1 card you'll only recieve 1, it's as simple as that.

I think this will give me loads of inspiration and ideas for my work, i love it when you discover something like this :)

You've Got Mail!

Ironically 'You've got mail' the film was on tv the other night, i've never seen it, but was assured by a friend that it didn't match up to the original Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan combo Sleepless in Seattle, which i watched a week ago and yes it's an all time favourite.

Back to the matter in hand, i've been trying to encourage my family/friends to send me post and i've had some response but not as much as i would have liked. I've given old envelopes a new look by adding to them, sticking extra stamps on for example, i like the way this adds to their story. An idea that i plan to work on is taking used envelopes and collaging with images and drawings that relate to the contents of the envelope/letter.

New "Post"

This postcard i found pretty much sums up the theme of post, i've been looking into stamps, letters, envelopes and postcards. I guess my purpose is to try and encourage people to communicate through post more, i'm not saying technology isn't as good (here i am on the internet, and i text and facebook as much as the next person ) however i think post is so much more personal. Recieving something through your letter box, guessing who its from by their handwriting, checking the postmark to see where it's travelled from; post has a journey and a story and i find it really interesting.

Look Who's Back !

"And the award for 'Worlds Worst Blogger' goes to .........ME !"

I've been away for quite some time, yes i have plenty of excuses (most of which aren't worthy)however i'm back and i'm turning over a new leaf!
Its been a long summer, and although i haven't churned out as much work as i'd hoped i've done some bits and pieces. Following my Self Directed Module on "Post" i've been collecting stamps , writing letters, sending postcards and cutting and sticking alot . I've found old photographs, interesting books, and an amazing scheme thats got me posting across the world.

So much has inspired me, and i have a lot of ideas whirling around in my head- i want my final year of my degree to be something special.
So tomorrow i'll start showing you what i've been doing , and i promise to keep updating more often :)